“Coaching with Moira has been among the most transformative experiences of my life.”

“Moira helped me love myself first. She taught me how to assert my needs and set boundaries. After working with Moira, I am ready for a divine conscious partnership.”

“Moira's coaching is a tender, kind, dizzy magic.”

“My work with Moira deeply impacted my career, working with children, and it also led to many new discoveries in my life.”

Time To Start Living Your Orgasmic Life

Private One-on-One Coaching is for YOU if you want to feel something more, if you feel that something is missing, in spite of what you do or don't have, and desire the tailor made support and guidance to create a joyful, beautiful, expansive AND orgasmic life!

There is a beginning and a journey and a way.

I’d love to connect with you over a complimentary Discovery Call to discuss. Book your Discovery Call today!

“Moira, what a powerful session, it cleared so much... and at the same time I am amazed at how my psyche knew and is seeking the healing I am ready to delve into...it's in my shadow...and like magic, you, the teacher appeared...in our session you were so able to see those parts of me, that I think are hidden, but actually you recognized them immediately.”

“Thank you Moira for this amazing gift. I feel blessed to have received your wisdom and healing and I am inspired by your powerful intuition and clarity.”

Hi, I'm Moira

I’m a Sexuality, Creativity and Spirituality Coach, a writer and artist guiding you to live from your body, and with your emotional wisdom.

I trained for years to be a Sex, Love & Relationship Coach specialising in Tantra and the Jade Egg. I’m also a qualified Breathwork and EFT Practitioner (emotional freedom technique/ tapping). This all grew out of my work as a qualified PEEP teacher (parenting skills teacher) helping new parents raise children with self esteem.

I am here to guide you home to the truth at the heart of you so that you live a relaxed life full of trust, confidence and radiance. All the answers lie in our bodies - they hold our hurts, our stories and unmet needs - when we awaken our deep inner orgasmic states we come alive. As a client said to me with delight "I had unladylike sex."

Living Orgasmically is a way of being, I can’t wait to show you how.

“Working with Moira has been life changing for me at this point in my life. I couldn’t recommend this more. I’ve done a lot of work on myself and I mean A LOT. But this, this was very different. Very powerful.”

“Moira is an exceptional coach and will go above and beyond for you on your healing journey - you’ll be in very safe, loving hands”

“I worked with Moira for a full year. At first I wasn’t sure about the long term commitment, but once we started I realized how lucky I was to have 12 months to use her as a trusted guide.”

“I highly recommend working with Moira to help navigate life’s challengers, especially around relationships and love.”

Innerchild magic

When your inner child is in charge of your life, your relationships, your friendships, your career, their cry is to have their needs met. They do not care about intimacy, success on the material plane, anything really, except having their needs met and they will sabotage you over and over again. Let’s meet and bring love and compassion to your unique and wonderful innerchild